April 24th Update

Last redesign this week, Ash’s weapon:


There wasn’t a lot to really change with this design, the handle placement was a bit awkward, I also wanted to change the handle colour,


I’m still not sure if I should give it a grip texture, but I’ll have to wait and see when I model it.

And that’s it for character concepts, I’m officially past the halfway point of the concept process, next up is the environment concepts, I’m a little apprehensive to start these, since I’ve so little experience drawing places, but if this project has taught me anything, its that the best way to learn is to jump in headfirst!

So starting next week, we’ll be starting the different sections of the city, I’ve broken it down into four building per section, one landmark building and three generic buildings to break up the background. for sections of the city that won’t be central to the story I’ll still have to provide a landmark to identify the section when wide shots of the full city are shown, but I’m going to place hold them with buildings I’ve already made.
For the progress list I’m going to I’m going to add a separate section for the landmarks, since they’ll require more detail and approach the generic buildings in sets of three, similar to what I did for the background characters.

So, for this week the list is as follows:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 12/12
    • Secondary Characters: 7/7
    • Weapon Redesigns: 4/4
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Landmarks:0/15
    • Exteriors: 0/39

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~


December 11th Update

Last of our heroes weapons this week, with Ash’s:

Ok, so there were a lot of influences that I’ll try get in order here. I knew righ away that I wanted Ash’s weapons to follow the Rwby logic of having a melee weapon with a long rang attack, but I knew I also didn’t want it to transform,  so I looked to other works that would inspire me.

The first two designs are mixes of weapons from the video game Warframe, which I have a pretty big addiction to, plus I feel it does its world building in really cool subtle ways so a lot of plot elements for Fade will be taking hints from it.
The weapons themselves I tried to mash together as a sort of Warframe Rwby mix:


I really Love the fine line between organic and technological these designs walk.

The third design was based on real life weapons, but I felt it looked a bit too bland and impractical:

The two weapons just didn’t look like they belonged together. One was purely functional and the other was finely crafted and decorated, and as a result the functional one took away some of the beauty of the crafted one, and the crafted one made the design seem impractical. So its my least favored design.

The final bottom design I’ll say is my favorite, its partially inspired by Squall’s gunblade from Final fantasy VIII:

I always felt this weapon got a lot of bad press from fans, I do agree that its impractical, but in terms of design its only a few tweaks from being a really cool concept. Basically I took the idea of the gunblade turned it into a tonfa, and made it so the bullet fires along a small groove in the blade, although that detail is a little hard to see in my design due to WordPress shrinking my images.

Even though I’m planning on using design four, I do like some of the others, and may use them for other characters or as ceremonial upgrades, either way you’ll probably see them again.

That’s all on Ash’s concepts, next week we get to the Blindfold Code’s weapons!

Anyway, here is this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 4/12
    • Secondary Characters: 0/7
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~