Febuary 6th Update

More Slum Residents this week, this time a girl:

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This template was largely inspired by this one picture I found online:
I’d love to credit whoever made this, but I haven’t been able to find the original creator, which has disappointed me greatly. I also experimented with the colours, moving from the more neutral colours of the original drawing to brighter hues, while still keeping the design as something someone with little money would wear, The Blue one turned out well, but i feel the Pink one became a little to noticeable for a background character.

In other news I’m happy to announce the first volunteer, Maxim, the Composer I mentioned I was in talks with.  We’re both in this to improve out particular trades, Animation and Art for me, Music for him. If you want to check out his music (which I highly recommend) You can find him here: On his Sound Cloud profile
He’s also created a playlist of the music he’s making for Fade Right Here
I’ll be announcing on this blog anytime he places a new song in the playlist for you guys, its an exciting development for me and a major early milestone for the project and hopefully he’ll be the first of many to join Team Fade!

That’s all for this week, Until Next time

Marc Out~~