April 11th Update

This one took a bit longer than the others, but its something a little different this week:


This is a more general concept for an area, the Garden of remembrance, its an entire district onto itself, almost like a part, but all the walls are lined with Gravestones like this, each one will have a name and date on it, but I just ran out of time this week.


There is a wall next to the Jervis center in Dublin that was a big inspiration for this, the area used to be part of a church and the graveyard attached to it, but as the city grew the church was turned into a restaurant and the graves were cleared. But instead of disposing of the stones, they were propped against a wall as a kind of memorial, which looks very cool.

Anyway that’s it for this week, the progress list is as follows:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 12/12
    • Secondary Characters: 7/7
    • Weapon Redesigns: 4/4
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Landmarks:4/15
    • Exteriors:39/39

September 11th Update

Second last Secondary Character, the long suffering Mayor of Spectrum City, Mayor Grey:

Honestly, this character was a nightmare to design, and I’m still not happy with him. It’s really irritating since this has been the first character that I’ve hit a really roadblock with since starting my concepts, his aim is to be a pathetic cowardly character, but he still lacks any kind of appeal. I partially based him off Gil from the Simpsons, since the both have that same kind of personality:

I might have to add him to my re-designs, but I’ve been brain storming him for two weeks now and frankly I’m sick of working on the character at this point. On a brighter note I only have one secondary character left now, and thankfully its one that I’m really excited to design!

Anyway here is this week’s status on concepts:

  • Background extras:42/42
  • Main Characters: 13/13
  • Main character re-designs: 1/5
  • Secondary Character: 13/14
  • Secondary Character re-designs: 0/5

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~


June 26th Update

First off, the final set of Extras: Members of Hojo, the organisation the main characters work for.

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I won’t explain the mean behind the name right now, since I want to save that for when I’m designing the actual building itself.

As for the design of the characters themselves the outfit is based on a combination of the characters Gaara and Sakura from Naruto, which I then varied with colour schemes based on the primary colours red, blue and green:


In other news I’ve started uploading some of the concepts to my deviant art account Which you can check out here.  There isn’t anything majorly new there yet, but I will be uploading previous stuff there in chunks, I was hoping there some way of mass uploading things there, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet.

I’ve also have been searching for good project management apps, and I’ve found one called Trello which is just what I’m looking for, its not as social as Archmule, but its way easier to see exactly where I am progress wise on each item, you can find them both here:

Fade’s Trello

Fade’s Archmule

So here is this week’s status on concepts:

  • Background extras:37/42
  • Main Characters: 13/13
  • Main character re-designs: 1/5
  • Secondary Character: 7/12
  • Secondary Character re-designs: 0/4

That’s all for this week
Until next time

Marc Out~~