Haru and 3D Models

Here are two possible designs for the first support character of the story, Haru:


I’m basing her largely of Amaterasu from Shinto, but also slightly from Okami too:

I’m pretty on board with the colour scheme, its just how to apply it, I feel the one on the left is a bit more distinct, but the one on the right looks better overall, and since she’s a less important character I feel that she doesn’t really have to be that distinct

In other news I’ve basically got as far as I can go with the modelling of my male template, and its looking pretty good:


I’ve already placed seams on him for UV unwrapping and texturing, the next step is said texturing and rigging, hopefully that will stop them looking like aliens finally!

I’ve also done a little bit with the city, I’ve added a road and rail system to my rough map, and it has made a real difference, in the new area I’ve been adding:


The roads aren’t visible yet, but it’s helped to place buildings in a manageable way rather then just plonk them downs anywhere. I also think the rail system is going to add a nice touch to the city for the big sweeping fly-bys. I’m going to be spending time building up the different structures of the city over the next few days, so all those empty planes are going to fill up rapidly now, knowing were all the roads go automatically lets me know where plazas and open areas should be, and will really help the place look authentic!

I’m really looking forward to working on it now

Until next week!

Marc Out~~