Happy New Year!

I’m trying something a little different this year, this is the third New Year’s day this blog has hit and I want to start acknowledging certain holidays a bit more, Christmas I usually take a break on, but I decided to do something special for today, some group art of the Team:


Its been a very long time since I’ve been able to sit down and draw the main four which I’ve really missed, but this art has purpose too, the about page has been very bare, and I haven’t wanted to use the concept art since A) those are only really good for my reference and B) not a good representation of the final look of the show, but this is far more a step in the right direction (and a better example of my abilities)

For those of you who started reading in 2018 I thank you for your time, and I hope you’ll stick with me through 2019.

Until next time

Marc Out~~

January 1st Update

Happy new year! I’m starting off 2017 with a concept milestone, The last of the civilian background extras is done:

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Like with the last few concepts the colour schemes are based off Air Gear Characters, Nue, Spitfire and Ringo respectively:


The Design itself I sort of cobbled together from a few of Ringo’s outfits,but mostly winged it, building the outfit around the two-tone hair colour, but I like this concept a lot, it feels like something a person going through their day would wear.

I was hoping to get a lot more concepts done this week, but I was feeling a little burnt out between this and college work that i decided to take the week leading up to Christmas off. I doubt I’ll be able to get to the redesigns until the Easter or summer breaks, but if I can fit them in sooner I will.

In other news I was researching media kits as part of my marketing study from last week and I stumbled across Bloop Animation which is a great resource, they even have a page on media kits (Although I couldn’t download the template they advertised, but the info they gave was still worth it) I highly recommend checking them out if your planning on making your own cartoons.

That being said if anyone could find me some good template media kits for animation so I can start thinking about planning mine out that would be great.

That’s all for the first day of 2017, tune in next week for the first in a new batch of concepts.

Marc Out~~