Yilan and General updates

This update came very close to being late, some non-Fade related stuff took up a lot of my week, but I do have stuff to talk about, the First of which is this week’s concept art, the Blindfold Code member Yilan:


She was one of the first characters I had an idea for she’s based off of Kido from Mekakucity Actors, but also the female inklings from splatoon.


I love the Inkling designs in particular, I’m thinking of using some as influences in some of the character’s casual clothes at some point down the line.

I’ve also finished modelling the template model for girls, the differences are subtle, but I’m largely happy with it now:


The next step is to get it ready for UV mapping and setting up a bone structure for rigging, but that may have to wait until I know how to do more of that in blender

In more personally news, I’ve been dealing with signing up to a college course and obtaining funding for said course, normally I’d keep stuff like this out of this blog, since I only want to use it for Fade stuff, but its relevant because its an animation course. Which is very relevant to Fade. I’m hoping I can use this course to make the Fade Pilot episode for my final project. But this is also a warning that the schedule of this blog my change come September, but for now I’ll still keep working away getting as much ground work done until then.

So tune in next week for more concept art and more updates

Marc Out~~

Sapa and tumblr

First off, we’ll focus on our Character concept of the week, Sapa:


Like last week she’s based off of two characters from Mekaku City Actors, in particular Kido and Takane:


I really like the red and yellow on black colour scheme, it reminded me of corn snakes, which  keeps with the blindfold code’s snake theme. She also works in a coffee shop called the Black Mamba so I’d say out of of all of the group members, she fits the theme the closest.

In other News I’ve connected this blog to my tumblr account, and I’ll be posting up sneak peeks on that every Wednesday, if you want to check that out, you can find it here: http://marcamatic.tumblr.com/
That particular page is going to have a bit of a wider range of topics than this one, which I’m keeping just to talk about fade, I plan on using the Tumblr to network and meet with other creators, which is honestly a bit intimidating since everyone I’ve seen is so much better then the content I’m putting out right now, but I’m sure once I’ve had a little practice and get some of my 3D work done that will change

Sorry this has been mostly a wall of text this week, but I’ve been sick and haven’t gotten as much as I wanted done this week, but that will change next week for sure!

Till then

Marc Out ~~

Hebi and early buildings

Here we have our first villain, The Leader of the Blindfold Code, Hebi:


Most of the Blindfold code are based off of the characters from an anime called Mekakucity actors,I love the urban counter culture vibe from the show, but I felt it fell very short with the story, it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a mystery story of a character driven one, and with only 12 episodes to detail nine characters, it didn’t really have the time to try do both. That being said, each character is vibrant and stands out so I decided to combined and altered to a few be unique, Hebi here is based off of Marry and Kido.


Actually a lot of the female characters have attributes taken from Kido, who has to be my favourite character design! In an medium that seems to love showing off skin, Kido seems to be the opposite, covering up as much as she can, which always gave he an air of mystery to me, and that is what I want to convey with the blindfold code.

On the 3D front I’ve been placing some basic shapes for buildings


I think it shows the scale of the city a bit better, I’ve colour coded them for easy identification, the Green buildings are the Human Military, the grey skyscrapers are the human business sector, the blue is the government sector, the red is the research sector and the cyan tower is something I’m keeping under wraps for now, but I will say its an important location. At the moment the only area that’s dense enough is the Business Sector, but I’m hoping that over time I’m going to build up each area to a similar level, then I can work on concepts for the different sectors.

Hopefully that will tide you guys over until next week.

Marc Out~~