March 26th Update

The last Weapon design, Kusanagi’s Weapon:

I didn’t want to get too detailed with this one because he only has the one fight in season 1, but I knew I wanted to base it heavily off of his name sake, the legendary “Grasscutter Sword”


I also decided to combine it with a Fantasy sword I found online, the Kilgorin Sword of Darkness from Dragon Age:


So with that done, what comes next, well I have a quick round of redesigns for the weapons, which will take the next for weeks, but then we’re into environments.

Anyway, onto this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 12/12
    • Secondary Characters: 7/7
    • Weapon Redesigns: 0/4
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~

November 13th Update

Second last redesign, this week its Kusanagi Tsurugi: 


Once again there wasn’t a lot I wanted to change with this design, but I wasn’t happy with the lizard like look of the old face and the reverse wings I was experimenting with:
I also wanted to make him look more intimidating, and I noticed I forgot to draw a finger on his right hand, which gave me the idea to give him some scars, which will make a lot of sense since he is essentially a veteran from a losing army.

With that I only have one more redesign to do, which will leave the character design milestone done! Now this doesn’t mean I won’t be completely done with making character, there will be some scene specific characters and background extras I’ll need to do, but I wouldn’t consider them as high a priority as the building and weapon concepts that will need to be done.

Now, onto this week’s status on concepts:

  • Background extras:42/42
  • Main Characters: 13/13
  • Main character re-designs: 5/5
  • Secondary Character: 14/14
  • Secondary Character re-designs: 4/5

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~

October 9th Update

One of the most inhuman looking characters Kusanagi Tsurugi (yeah the name is a total mouthful!)


I wanted to have a character that shows the ranges of humanity Otherkin have, so I wanted one that was barely recognisable as human, he has heavy influences from the Saurians from outlaw star:


I toyed around with the idea of giving him hair, but I could tell even without colouring it it looked kinda ridiculous, so I left it at that. I’ll have to nearly make a custom model for his head, but I’m learning that its far easier to animate snouts than faces, so it shouldn’t be too much extra effort. I also decided to curl his wings out backward, but I’m not sure I like the look of that, I may change it once I’m doing the model.

As to the updates on the new template models, I am working on them, but the only one I have I’ve done in Maya, and i still don’t know how to render and export in it yet, so you’ll have to wait for that, its a little stylised for what I want (I was following a tutorial, in class) I’m working to get some notes from my lecturer so I can remake it in blender.

I have one more character that’s relevant to the story I’ll be concepting, then I plan on moving to background extras, up until now I’ve been using these concepts to practise my posing and proportions, but luckily I’ll be working on that regularly in college. So I’m going to cut a few corners to get the ideas on paper faster. I really want to bump up the speed on this pre-production so I can get to the cool looking parts, but I have to be careful not to let the quality of the production slip as a result.

Lot’s of planning this week, but with next week’s character I’ll be hitting my first Character milestone, I’m looking forward to it

Till then

Marc Out~~