Anguis and template progress

The final blindfold code member Anguis:

I really like the design of this character, I wanted to have one character in bight colours to really highlight the darker colours of the others, he’s based largely off of Shuuya and Hibiya from Mekakucity Actors.

I also really liked the mask shuuya has in several pictures of him, so I’ve used it as inspiration for another character I’ll be showing at a later date. The One thing I don’t like is my actual artwork, I’m really not at a professional standard, and while it works for concepts, its going to be a pain if I ever need to do any 2D artwork. I have an illustrator who said they would help, but until I have some way to pay them, I really don’t feel comfortable having them do the massive amounts of artwork that may be required. I’ll update you guys as I brainstorm this.

In 3D news I’ve been working away at the male template character, which is coming along nicely:


Most of the work went into the face, which I had to rebuild a couple of times to make it easier to unwrap later, but so far its really benefited from my work on the female template. Like with the female template I’m planning on leaving the hands and finer muscle detail till nearly till the end, but overall its progressing nicely.

So now that our villains are out of the way what’s next? Well next week I’ll be going into the supporting cast of the show!

Till then

Marc Out ~~

Naga and 3D updates

Another week another Character concept, this week is Naga:

Like the other characters I’ve shown he’s based off of a two Mekakucity Actor’s characters, this time its Seto and Shintaro


I disliked Seto over all design but liked the colour scheme, so I worked to stick the colours onto a design that I liked, and I loved the dual coloured jacket that Shintaro has in this picture, which he never wore in the anime, for some strange reason, because I think its the best outfit I’ve seen him in.

In 3D news I’ve been taking a break from my female template to work on two new things: A male template and fixing the transparency problem with my title wall.

I’ll start with the template model, since I’ll get though that quickly. I was attempting to do what I had done with the female model and use a Rwby reference image, and I thought that using mercury would leave little up to imagination but I’ve realised that most of the guys in Rwby have some form of popped collar and waist obscuring drapery, making is difficult to gauge parts of the body, also male eyes are much smaller in Rwby for some reason. Luckily I’ve been able to find a super high res image of Neptune which has been doing the job nicely for now:

The female template I had nearly finished when I started this blog, so I’m looking forward to showing my progress as I go with this one. Also If your curious about the reference image, check it out here:

In an earlier blog post Ebony and Material practise I talked about a problem I’ve been dealing with with some of my textures in blender cycles being unnesssarily transparent, I haven’t fully nailed down the problem, but I think it could be in how I’m exporting the images from photoshop, I decided to split my materials apart, making just a graffiti Material:


And and Wall Material


Now it looks to me that the graffiti is still a bit darker than it should be, I went out of my way to make the images bright:

I’m thinking that its possible by making the images .png files its automatically making the image transparent. If there are any experts in blender I’d love to know how you’d handle it in the comments below.

And also in case your wondering, I’ve made this graffiti for the intro of the show, Its going to be very inspired by the Noragmai opening, but more on that closer to when I’m ready to animate it.

Till Next week

Marc Out~~

Hebi and early buildings

Here we have our first villain, The Leader of the Blindfold Code, Hebi:


Most of the Blindfold code are based off of the characters from an anime called Mekakucity actors,I love the urban counter culture vibe from the show, but I felt it fell very short with the story, it couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a mystery story of a character driven one, and with only 12 episodes to detail nine characters, it didn’t really have the time to try do both. That being said, each character is vibrant and stands out so I decided to combined and altered to a few be unique, Hebi here is based off of Marry and Kido.


Actually a lot of the female characters have attributes taken from Kido, who has to be my favourite character design! In an medium that seems to love showing off skin, Kido seems to be the opposite, covering up as much as she can, which always gave he an air of mystery to me, and that is what I want to convey with the blindfold code.

On the 3D front I’ve been placing some basic shapes for buildings


I think it shows the scale of the city a bit better, I’ve colour coded them for easy identification, the Green buildings are the Human Military, the grey skyscrapers are the human business sector, the blue is the government sector, the red is the research sector and the cyan tower is something I’m keeping under wraps for now, but I will say its an important location. At the moment the only area that’s dense enough is the Business Sector, but I’m hoping that over time I’m going to build up each area to a similar level, then I can work on concepts for the different sectors.

Hopefully that will tide you guys over until next week.

Marc Out~~