August 7th Update

Back to concepts totally drawn by myself again, I’ll admit, I was excited to see if I had improved at all since using the template for my civilian characters, i’m pretty pleased with the result:

While my shading can still use work, my posing and anatomy has come a long way, which I’m very pleased about.
This character is Lucid, and he isn’t particular important character at the moment, but he’ll be used to give exposition in later seasons, and needed to be introduced in the current season, he’s an anthropologist specialising in semiotics, or the study of symbols. He’s also based largely on a Ferric Fox:

I always feel these little guys look much older than other foxes, plus foxes have a reputation for being smart, so I feel its fits this character really well.

In other news, in order to give my composer a better idea of the music for the opening, I’ve started collecting music and putting it into a YouTube playlist, if you are curious about the musical inspirations of the show, you can find it here. I’ll be adding to it often for the foreseeable future.

Anyway here is this week’s status on concepts:

  • Background extras:42/42
  • Main Characters: 13/13
  • Main character re-designs: 1/5
  • Secondary Character: 8/12
  • Secondary Character re-designs: 0/4

That’s all for this week
Until next time

Marc Out~~

Febuary 6th Update

More Slum Residents this week, this time a girl:

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This template was largely inspired by this one picture I found online:
I’d love to credit whoever made this, but I haven’t been able to find the original creator, which has disappointed me greatly. I also experimented with the colours, moving from the more neutral colours of the original drawing to brighter hues, while still keeping the design as something someone with little money would wear, The Blue one turned out well, but i feel the Pink one became a little to noticeable for a background character.

In other news I’m happy to announce the first volunteer, Maxim, the Composer I mentioned I was in talks with.  We’re both in this to improve out particular trades, Animation and Art for me, Music for him. If you want to check out his music (which I highly recommend) You can find him here: On his Sound Cloud profile
He’s also created a playlist of the music he’s making for Fade Right Here
I’ll be announcing on this blog anytime he places a new song in the playlist for you guys, its an exciting development for me and a major early milestone for the project and hopefully he’ll be the first of many to join Team Fade!

That’s all for this week, Until Next time

Marc Out~~

November 14th Update

A double batch of concepts this week, after this I have only one more business district template and then I can move onto another, First up is the Business woman:

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It might be not be obvious, but she’s actually based off of rabbits, a detail that always bugged me in Rwby was an element Blake’s design, She has four ears, two cat, two human, you don’t notices it most of the time, but when I saw it it just seemed odd that no one had mentioned it in show, anyway, I didn’t want to make the same mistake, so you’ll notice that she doesn’t have human ears.

Next up we have the business man:

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I’ve largely worked to make him look fish like, but it could be argued that he looks somewhat lizard like, either way it’s handy because I might be able to use this template in more than one area.

Something I am worried about though is that all these templates might be very bright and attention grabbing, when I’m really sitting down and seriously making their textures I might lower the saturation of the colours to make them all look a little more grey so the main characters stand out a bit more, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Lastly I’ve been spending a large part of this week trying to find music, in particular for the into, I have a very clear idea of the musical style I want, a kind of punky j-pop sound, basically Anime intro music, but its been very difficult to find, at least legally, I don’t want to use copyrighted music, and I can’t afford even the cheapest royalty free music right now, which leaves my options frustratingly limited, I have found a few sites that do some great sound effects, but not so much with the music side of things. At the moment a friend of mine had given me the use of some sound files he got from College that are legal and royalty free to use, and while one is very close to what I want, but its only 30 seconds long, and I was hoping to make the intro (at least for the pilot episode) about a minute and a half, not to mention that for later seasons I’d want to have different intros. So it feels like a temporary solution to the problem. I’ll keep you guys updated as I figure this out

Till Next Week

Marc Out~~