January 23rd Update

Last of the Shopkeepers this week, I’m probably going to explore the poorer casts of the city next week:

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I wanted to base this template off of cows, since I wanted more characters with horns, so I took colours from real cows for the hair and experimented a bit with colours that compliment them, they turned out a little neutral looking, but I think that’s a good thing with background characters, I may go back an revised a few of the background character templates that I’ve made to make them stand out a little less once I’ve completed them all.
Also the “Heat Tap” on the apron is a reference to a drink of the same name that appears in Dragonball every now and then that I wanted to add as an Easter egg.

In other news I’m in talks with a composer, its still early days at the moment, but I’m coming out of talks with him feeling very positive and from what he’s shown me he has a lot of potential. That being said, I’m still on the look out for more composers if I can find them due to the fact that through these talks I’ve realised the mountain of musical work that’s required for the show as a whole, which is a bit unfair to lump all onto one person. I’ll keep you guys posted as we progress with the talks.

That’s all for this week

Marc Out~~