Happy New Year!

I’m trying something a little different this year, this is the third New Year’s day this blog has hit and I want to start acknowledging certain holidays a bit more, Christmas I usually take a break on, but I decided to do something special for today, some group art of the Team:


Its been a very long time since I’ve been able to sit down and draw the main four which I’ve really missed, but this art has purpose too, the about page has been very bare, and I haven’t wanted to use the concept art since A) those are only really good for my reference and B) not a good representation of the final look of the show, but this is far more a step in the right direction (and a better example of my abilities)

For those of you who started reading in 2018 I thank you for your time, and I hope you’ll stick with me through 2019.

Until next time

Marc Out~~

November 27th Update

First of the weapons concepts and I’m off to a pretty good start, I had enough time to get two done this week, first up is Blue’s:


I started out drawing from my mind, which is how I came up with the leftmost Dagger, but I wasn’t sure if it fit the character so I googled a few images of knifes and did a little adapting, honestly I think the rightmost dagger will be the one I use. I also traced over a reference picture of a person to give an indication of what size the daggers will be, overall I’m pretty happy with them.

Secondly we have Ebony’s:


This was actually a really interesting one to design, I started off wanting to give Ebony a pair of swords that would clip together and look similar to Kadaj’s weapon from Final fantasy Advent children:

But I couldn’t think of any way of clipping the hilts together in a way that looked good, then I found Sasuke Uchiha’s Sword from Naruto:


It perfectly summered what I wanted from Ebony, sleek, efficient and minimalist, so I altered the colours to match Ebony’s and added the little wing symbols to give it its own flair. I’m really pleased with the look overall.

Anyway, here is this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 2/12
    • Secondary Characters: 0/7
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~

Ebony and Material practise

As promised, here is our second Heroine Ebony:


This won’t be the first piece of concept art I’ll be posting of Ebony here, she goes through a  few wardrobe changes over the course of the first season, plus there are a number of details that I left out since this was only my second attempt at concept art. Over all Character wise Ebony is my favourite so far writing wise, she’s the most flawed character and has a couple of layers that I can’t wait to explore and explain, and internal difficulties that I can’t wait to see her overcome!

Secondly I’ve been teaching myself 3D modelling for a little while now and I’ve been experimenting with Physically based rendering, the end series is going to be modelled in 3D, a little bit like Rwby, but I want to give it a bit more of a Disney pixar look, so getting these materials right is kind of key, but I hit a major breakthrough today:


I’ll admit, the title looks a bit off now (which is why I’m not changing the site’s header image, but the wall itself looks much better than the rendered image in my first post below.

Unfortunately I’m still having trouble with the image being transparent in weird ways, the actual title should look like this:

Notice how it should be getting darker at the bottom instead of fading out? I’ve tried using Alpha channels but it just turns the brick invisible, and Blender cycles doesn’t seem to like overlaying separate materials, so for now its baffling me.
Luckily I’ve been accepted into an animation course that will with any luck teach me to use Maya, which I’ve heard is actually a little better in the material department.

I’ll be sure to keep you guys posted in the future and who knows, if I figure it out I might do a tutorial video on it.
Tune in next week for more Concept art and updates

Marc Out~~