Happy New Year!

I’m trying something a little different this year, this is the third New Year’s day this blog has hit and I want to start acknowledging certain holidays a bit more, Christmas I usually take a break on, but I decided to do something special for today, some group art of the Team:


Its been a very long time since I’ve been able to sit down and draw the main four which I’ve really missed, but this art has purpose too, the about page has been very bare, and I haven’t wanted to use the concept art since A) those are only really good for my reference and B) not a good representation of the final look of the show, but this is far more a step in the right direction (and a better example of my abilities)

For those of you who started reading in 2018 I thank you for your time, and I hope you’ll stick with me through 2019.

Until next time

Marc Out~~

December 4th Update

The start of the holiday season and I have another weapon concept, this time Damson’s:

The Idea I wanted to get across in the two lower reference images is that a ice blade can be formed to turn the guns into a melee weapon, and this concept formed the basis for how I wanted to design the guns, I wanted to have a duelling pistol grip that would look well in either gun or sword form:


So what I did was look for a few more futuristic looking guns and mix and matched the parts:

Overall I’m pretty happy with how they turned out, I’m leaning toward the lower design, which I feel looks a lot sleeker.

I would have liked to get another weapon concept done this week, but with college I just ran out of time, perhaps next week.

Anyway, here is this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 3/12
    • Secondary Characters: 0/7
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~

December 4th Update

Last set of Otherkin templates, next update will be on regular humans:

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This Template was a reference to the Anime Air gear which is another big influence on the show’s overall aesthetic so I’ll be mentioning it again in the future, the over all character design is based around Kazuma Mikura, who’s design I always liked, he feels like he could switch form background character to main character in a split second, which was actually part of his character in the show

The other colour schemes are based off of the Main character Ikki and Simca I think the fem fatal (her role is strange in the show) But if you want an idea for how future environments in the city should hopefully look, check out the show, because the city in Air gear is nearly a character itself (which is appropriate for a freestyle roller blade anime)

In Other news I’ve given Damson a redesign, simplifying his tattoos, adding a ponytail to give him a better silhouette and rearranged the colours in his outfit to balance him a bit better, and I’m much happier with him:


I’ve left the old version of his design up for comparison, I also tweaked his head shape, its still out of proportion with his ears, but I’m glad that I can actually identify what the problem was before, when I first sketched him out I was largely guessing, It let’s me know I am actually improving.

Finally I wanted to clear up something that was pointed out to me earlier in the week by my reader Cillian Flood (Who you should check out because he has a very uniqe view on everyday life) that it was too early to be working on the show’s official opening, which I totally agree with, but that’s sort of not what I’ve been story boarding, the “intro” I’ve been planning is more of a “Pilot”, Teaser or a preview, but I’ve been calling it an Intro all this time because that’s what I was using as a starting point for this Preview, so From here on I’ll be referring to the clip I’m making as the Preview for the foreseeable future. Hopefully that will prevent any confusion in the future.

Until Next Time

Marc Out~~

Damson and the city

I present the fourth and final member of Team Fade, Damson:

I feel like his design is the least solid out of the four, and that’s mainly because his colour scheme is a lot more varied, I was going for a fire and ice theme with him, actually suggestions on how to improve him would be really welcomed. He’s largely the comic relief of the group, so a more high energy dress sense might be in order? Although I might be mistaken and he will possibly  look great when I model him in 3D. Who Knows?

Speaking of 3D, I have another in progress piece, I’ve taken a break from last week’s template model to start building the city will be set in:

It’s a bit bare I know, but I realised that doing concept art for the city itself is going to be very, very time consuming, so I’m taking a shortcut, I’m going to partially model the city, with basic blocks for the buildings and draw over renders of it in photoshop, it’ll save me having to fool around with perspective and angles.
So far each walled section there is named and has a function within the city, but the city itself has no name yet, back when Fade was a Rwby story, it was going to be Vacuo, but as I’ve developed the story I’ve decided that I want it to have it’s own name and identity. Maybe as I get closer to producing the finished episodes, and if enough of you guys follow this Blog, I’ll hold a naming competition, but that’s a future topic. 😀

Anyway, I’m excited for next week, because I’ll be moving onto the concept art for the villains of our story: The Blindfold Code!

See you all then

Marc Out ~~