February 19th Update

The Next weapon concept, Sho’s Weapon:

I’ll be honest, I rushed this one a bit, I was very limited on time this week, so I largely took the idea of the chakram from Xena warrior Princess, recoloured it and made them split apart into two dagger like blades.

I’m not overly concerned about it not being very original, since Sho doesn’t have many fights in the script, but I wanted to include it for completeness sake.

In other news I’m thinking of doing a few redesigns with the weapons like with the actual Character designs, I’m going to finish the current weapons on my list though first, I really don’t want to be that kind of creator that keeps going back a tweaking things and never finishing the project, but going back and revising designs is an important part of my plan:


At each stage I have to be willing to go back and make sure everything works before moving forward. That being said, this is the most time consuming part next to the actual storyboards and animating, it’s essentially the foundation for everything, so its important to get it right early on.

Anyway, here is this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 12/12
    • Secondary Characters: 2/7
    • Weapon Redesigns: 0/4
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~

November 27th Update

First of the weapons concepts and I’m off to a pretty good start, I had enough time to get two done this week, first up is Blue’s:


I started out drawing from my mind, which is how I came up with the leftmost Dagger, but I wasn’t sure if it fit the character so I googled a few images of knifes and did a little adapting, honestly I think the rightmost dagger will be the one I use. I also traced over a reference picture of a person to give an indication of what size the daggers will be, overall I’m pretty happy with them.

Secondly we have Ebony’s:


This was actually a really interesting one to design, I started off wanting to give Ebony a pair of swords that would clip together and look similar to Kadaj’s weapon from Final fantasy Advent children:

But I couldn’t think of any way of clipping the hilts together in a way that looked good, then I found Sasuke Uchiha’s Sword from Naruto:


It perfectly summered what I wanted from Ebony, sleek, efficient and minimalist, so I altered the colours to match Ebony’s and added the little wing symbols to give it its own flair. I’m really pleased with the look overall.

Anyway, here is this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 2/12
    • Secondary Characters: 0/7
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~