February 13th Update

Last set of human slum dwellers this week:

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I based this design of Eldore from white knight Chronicles(In particular when he first appears with his hood up and his cloak around him), but I feel I altered the design enough to make it unclear that’s what I used:

The Other two colour schemes are based off of Yato and Yukine from Noragami, which if you know the Series is really fitting to make them slum dwellers

Seriously Check out Noragami, its going to be on of the main inspirations for Fade.

In other News I’ve been organising what environments I’ll need to concept when I’m done with the background extras, I’ve counted up the interior scenes and I have 24 rooms to do, not including exterior scenes, and I’ve realised how I’m going to do this is tricky, I could concept them like I’ve been doing with the characters, however its going to take me a lot longer than drawing characters, another idea is to just build them in 3D and design as I go. Its something I’m going to do some research on, but I’m curious to get opinions or alternatives from you guys.

Next week is Otherkin slum dwellers, I’m looking forward to designing them, all the Otherkin I’ve been designing I’ve been making purposefully human looking, I’m planning on making the slum dwellers lean more toward the more animal looking side, so till Next time!

Marc Out~~

November 14th Update

A double batch of concepts this week, after this I have only one more business district template and then I can move onto another, First up is the Business woman:

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It might be not be obvious, but she’s actually based off of rabbits, a detail that always bugged me in Rwby was an element Blake’s design, She has four ears, two cat, two human, you don’t notices it most of the time, but when I saw it it just seemed odd that no one had mentioned it in show, anyway, I didn’t want to make the same mistake, so you’ll notice that she doesn’t have human ears.

Next up we have the business man:

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I’ve largely worked to make him look fish like, but it could be argued that he looks somewhat lizard like, either way it’s handy because I might be able to use this template in more than one area.

Something I am worried about though is that all these templates might be very bright and attention grabbing, when I’m really sitting down and seriously making their textures I might lower the saturation of the colours to make them all look a little more grey so the main characters stand out a bit more, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Lastly I’ve been spending a large part of this week trying to find music, in particular for the into, I have a very clear idea of the musical style I want, a kind of punky j-pop sound, basically Anime intro music, but its been very difficult to find, at least legally, I don’t want to use copyrighted music, and I can’t afford even the cheapest royalty free music right now, which leaves my options frustratingly limited, I have found a few sites that do some great sound effects, but not so much with the music side of things. At the moment a friend of mine had given me the use of some sound files he got from College that are legal and royalty free to use, and while one is very close to what I want, but its only 30 seconds long, and I was hoping to make the intro (at least for the pilot episode) about a minute and a half, not to mention that for later seasons I’d want to have different intros. So it feels like a temporary solution to the problem. I’ll keep you guys updated as I figure this out

Till Next Week

Marc Out~~

October 23rd Update

Bit of a different update this week, my first batch of extras:

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I’m pretty happy with how different a simple palette swap make them, The Otherkin in the story are similar to the faunus in Rwby, in that the have at least one animal trait, but unlike Rwby, I’m planning on having the animal trait be varying in how predominant it will be from person to person, these three look pretty human, I’m going to try have the next batch look a little less human. But I’m happy with the speed I got these done, I should be able to mill though these in less time than i thought.

In 3D news, I’ve figured out how to make the graffiti! I won’t bore you with the technical details, but basically the Problem was That I was mixing shaders, rather then the image colours, here’s the finished result:

It doesn’t look like much, but this opens up a world of options for me to help set scenes, Dirt, signs, moss, even blood smears, I don’t have to make custom textures every time I want to have an interesting wall, so I’m pretty pleased with this development.

That’s all for this week, till then.

Marc Out ~~

October 2nd Update

A short update this week, here is this week’s character, Amber Miel


Honestly this is my Favourite design so far, she had a number of different influences, I made up a mood board for her, but its a bit of a mess so I’m not going to show it here, but her inspirations range from black rock shooter to Evangelion to full metal alchemist. She going to be an important character in season two, but she’s introduced in season one, so I wanted to have her design ready now. There are more areas I want to go into more detail with, like with the back of her battle suit, but I’m really working to get the ideas of each character solid first. After this I have one more character before I start working on background extras, which will take a while, but once their done, I can work on environments, and after that its time for story boarding the pilot episode!

In 3D news, I’m going to re make my template models, even after 3 weeks I’m already sure I can redo them better, the models I have look great, but they are not made correctly for animation, especially around the faces, and the models I have are too polygon heavy for background characters, so I’ll have to start again, but don’t worry, what ever I make this time I’ll totally be using, but I can already see the current models causing me problems.

Other then that not much news this week, so I’m keeping it short but sweet, I’ve been getting into the swing with college, but I will hopefully have more for you guys next week

Till then,
Marc Out~~

Yilan and General updates

This update came very close to being late, some non-Fade related stuff took up a lot of my week, but I do have stuff to talk about, the First of which is this week’s concept art, the Blindfold Code member Yilan:


She was one of the first characters I had an idea for she’s based off of Kido from Mekakucity Actors, but also the female inklings from splatoon.


I love the Inkling designs in particular, I’m thinking of using some as influences in some of the character’s casual clothes at some point down the line.

I’ve also finished modelling the template model for girls, the differences are subtle, but I’m largely happy with it now:


The next step is to get it ready for UV mapping and setting up a bone structure for rigging, but that may have to wait until I know how to do more of that in blender

In more personally news, I’ve been dealing with signing up to a college course and obtaining funding for said course, normally I’d keep stuff like this out of this blog, since I only want to use it for Fade stuff, but its relevant because its an animation course. Which is very relevant to Fade. I’m hoping I can use this course to make the Fade Pilot episode for my final project. But this is also a warning that the schedule of this blog my change come September, but for now I’ll still keep working away getting as much ground work done until then.

So tune in next week for more concept art and more updates

Marc Out~~