Fan Art

Here I’ll place any awesome pieces of fan art you guys send me of the cast and characters!


Here is a fantastic piece of Fairy Blue by my friend Miss Carp, I love how she drew Blue’s hair:


You can see her other stuff on her Instagram, and her Deviant Art

Here are a number of great works by Freshmaiden,first up  is a great one of Kigyo which captures his personality really well:


Next is a Chibi version of Ebony, which has the perfect pose for her:


After that We have two great pictures of Hebi, with some incredible detail, she captured the eyes particularly well:


And finally a spectacular symmetry piece of Sapa, in both her Cafe and Blindfold Code outfits which I personally love to bits:


You can Check out her Instagram Here!


Next one up is this fantastic fan art of Ebony by my buddy Sam:


I have to say she looks “Smoking” in it, hehe, anyway you can find his Instagram Here