November 21st Update

Another week, another business extra, but luckily this is the last businessy extra for a while:

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This one was basic off the idea of cats, there is also a hint of a character from one of the final fantasy mmos, I’m not sure what her name was but her race was Mithra, but these look more like Miqo’te from the newer game.

I’ve been largely busy this week with college work, however, I have started streaming my work on, I may add a link to it in the side menu to my channel, it was a fun experience, there wasn’t a lot of people watching, and I had a lot of technical difficulties, but I enjoyed it enough to decide to make it a regular thing. I also see it as a useful way of interacting with you guys and find out what sort of things you want to see in these updates. For the moment I’m going to try live streaming on Fridays. You’ll be able to find my channel here: The Marcamatic Channel
Hope to see some people there 😀

Marc Out~~