
What is this website about? 

This is a blog detailing my progress in bringing my Story to life as a animated Web Cartoon, I post weekly updates detailing my successes and failures as I work to create this Show.

What is the story about?

Fade is the story of a group of young adults stepping stepping up to changer their world, some have experience already, some don’t. Its a story that deals with racial divides, overcoming naivety, and understanding how small we all are in the grand scheme of the world. All while having a few bad ass fight scenes.

What is an Otherkin?

An Otherkin is a half human, half animal Hybrid Native to the World Fade is set on

What is a Focus?

A Focus is a unique ability that every person has, what causes them is widely debated but it is believed that contact with Mana is a large factor, but not the only one, for example, in times of extreme physical and mental stress a focus can become more powerful.

What is Mana?

Mana is a raw material used as various power sources in Fade’s world, its unusual because it stores energy and can somehow convert it to matter, but much about the substance itself is unknown and studies are still ongoing. Despite this Mana is essential to the world’s economy, and new deposits are often the focal point of wars between Human and Otherkin world powers.

This sounds great! When is the first episode coming out? 

Short answer: I don’t know.
Long Answer: I’ve never attempted a project like this before, let alone this size and scope, and I’m very much learning as I go, I’m also studying 3D animation full time, so time is a bit of an elusive beast for me. Finally this is a solo passion project, so unfortunately real life does tend to get in the way sometimes.

When Do you update the blog?

I update every monday or sunday when I can.

I have this idea for the story!

That’s great, but I already have most of the story planned out.

Can I help make music/artwork/3D models for the show?

I always want to encourage people to be creative, however I have an astoundingly high standard for this show, if you can work to a professional standard and it fits with the show’s style I’ll consider it, but otherwise it won’t be put in.

Your art isn’t that great, why won’t you use my creative work?

I’m actually not above my earlier statement either, its the reason I started this project and started a animation course, I’m working to better myself to reach my own standards. If your unhappy with the exclusion of your work, practise and get better. Start a project of your own.

I am a professional and I’d like to discuss providing some of my work.

That’s great, however, at the current stage of production, I can’t afford to pay you anything yet, but don’t let that dissuade you from getting in contact, I would like to have a budget for the show someday, so I keep lists of every contact I make, if I can’t afford your fees now, I will contact you when I can.

I’d like to get some exposure for my work, in exchange for helping you out with music/art/animation.

If your work meets the standard of the show, I’d love to get help! And I’m more than happy to help other talented artists get their work out there.

This seems very similar to *Insert Anime, or web show here*

Yes it may, I’ve taken inspiration from a number of different shows, primarily Rwby and Final Fantasy advent children. But I’ve worked very hard to add a new spin to it to make it stand out.

 I made some fan art of one of the characters, but I don’t know if its good enough should I send it to you?

Yes, just because I want the show to look a certain way doesn’t mean I don’t want to interact with you guys. Fan art is always awesome, forever.

 I still have questions that aren’t covered here, can I get in contact with you?

If you still have questions about the series or would like to volunteer to help me make the series, you can fill out this form here:

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