
Team Fade


Fairy Blue Azular:

BlueFirst of our two primary characters, Fairy Blue, or Blue to her friends is the caring heart of group, the problem solver. Blue is bubbly, bouncy and the most energetic of her group, but hides a deep need to connect with people due to an isolated youth. Her Special ability allows her to control Mana, a power source in the world of Fade, but it is limited, and barely tapped into, but this was still enough to lead to the military keeping a close eye on her for most of her life. Beneath her energetic exterior lies a frustration with her own Naivety and a need to prove herself, combined with a willingness to trust other often lead her into trouble. In Battle Blue is crowd control, Using Daggers with rocks of Mana embedded in them that she uses to overwhelm and disorientate.

Ebony Skies:

EbonyThe Second of our primary Characters, Ebony is cool, calm and . . . honestly a little too aloof. Ebony tends to fit the stereotypical view of the sarcastic loner when you first meet her, but after a little digging by Blue, Ebony shows a far different caring and fiercely loyal side. Much of her detached act is just that: An act, set up to avoid becoming attached to people she may in the future lose. Ebony has possibly experienced the most loss out of the group as a whole, and start off the story still dealing with the loss of her friend, and while rarely stated, this Loss drives her.
In Battle Ebony is our critical hitter, she’s fast, fluid and Acrobatic, she wields only a pair of interlocking blades in a world that mixes guns and melee, and she does so without missing a step.

Ash Snow:

AshAsh is an Alterkin, a half human, half Animal hybrid, up until recently the Alterkin and the Humans have been in locked in a terrible and bloody war, leading to the defeat of the Alterkin. Both Ash and Ebony were on the losing side of this war, and have been tasked with joining up with human forces to aid in peacekeeping operations, Ash has volunteered for this role. Much about this Half wolf based around discipline, Ash is always the voice of logic and in battle has shown he is a keep observational strategist, often noting things the others miss. Ash is rarely angry, and acts almost formally, even around his friends and teammates, however he does seem to have a soft spot for Blue, but it seems as if that is all he will allow relationship wise. He is firmly professional, possibly even guarded, but believes wholeheartedly in his purpose, regardless of the cost. In battle Ash seems to switch between key strategist, and straight up brawler, making him a difficult opponent to counter.

Damson Jaune:

DamsonBlue’s Long suffering friend, Damson’s easy going attitude and tolerance of Blue leads to him often playing partner in crime to many of Blue’s plans, despite this Him and Blue have a close brother-sister relationship. Damson often acts to lighten the mood, but when he gets serious he shows a tactical mind, often pulling out a plan at times when even Ash is stumped, however his methods are far more based around improvising, making his plans far more unorthodox and bizarre. Damson is regularly underestimated, even by his own teammates, but only under stress does he ever seem to let it get to him, in reality, he feels he need to keep up a cheerful demeanor, to be a point of stability, especially later on in the series. In Battle Damson is our Support, which allows him to make good use of his ability, moving between Attacking with fire and defending with ice as the situation calls.

Team Blindfold Code

Hebi: (Pronounced He-Bi)

Leader of the blindfold code, but she still answers to an unknown superior, She’s a focused planner, outwardly appearing cold and calculating, however she actually only fights to protect the others in her group, and although she hides it is under heavy pressure to keep her friends safe while working to create a better life for them, and is highly critical of the group’s hidden leader. She heavily relies on her Special ability to view the various outcomes of any situation, making her a dangerous foe to face in a fight.

Anguis: (Pronounced Ann-Guee-s)

Hebi’s unofficial second in command, an often voiced what the group as a whole feels, He acts as the groups eyes using his ability to give himself and other x ray vision. He’s often snarky, playing devil’s advocate or teasing his other Blindfold code members, but he’s the first to object to the dangerous situations the others have to be places into.

Yilan: (Pronounced Yi-Lan)

Capable of making herself and other turn invisible, Yilan is the one keeping the group from being caught by Team Fade, she’s is fiercely loyal to the Blindfold code’s cause, having lost her parents under suspicious circumstances. She’s quiet, and has had to do questionable things in her life to survive, but cares deeply for her group, the only ones to take her in.


Naga is a mind reader, acting as the messenger of the group able to mentally pass messages between members of the Blindfold code, he’s blunt and sarcastic, unafraid to speak his mine, since he knows what’s on everyone else’s. He’s also a bit of a couch potato.


One of the more complex members of the group, Ebony and her seem to have a past, but both are tight lipped about it. She’s a hot head, speaking her mind and is frustrated with the deceptive underhanded tactics of the blindfold code, this is further compounded with her inability to bring herself to kill, despite her best efforts. Despite her ability to create illusions, she is actually a terrible liar.

Kigyo:(Pronounced Kig-yo)

A silent boy who is forced to always wear a blindfold, he has no control over his ability, to paralyze anyone he looks at. Kigyo has alway been shunned for his ability, until he met the blindfold code, Anguis was able to allow him to interact with others while keeping his sight. For this Kigyo is eternally grateful, and loyal to the group only, he cares little about their cause, only that his friends care about it.


Pamu is a girl with the ability to possess objects and manipulate him, she is always seen reading a book of some kind. She’s a matter of Fact person, detailing the facts of the situation, but she often considers herself the smartest person in the room, leading to her being sarcastic, and underestimating people.

Human Command

Haru Amaterasu:(Pronounced Ama-terra-sue)

Hojo project coordinator and Fairy Blue’s former caretaker, she’s professional and no-nonsense when it comes to her job, but finds that her workmates antics often push her temper to its limits, much to their amusement.

Sakata Kintaro: (Pronounced Sa-Kat-a, Kin-Tar-o)

Second in command Of the Human Forces, and possibly one of the strongest fighters, due to his strength altering ability.  While unruly and unkempt, with a light hearted sense of humour, but he has been known to incredible strict with people under him and highly is respected.

Sho Tsukuyomi: (Produced Show Tusk-Yo-me )

Commander Izanagi’s Spymaster, and mission coordinator, he and Amaterasu give the briefings. He is professional and overcautious, which our villains use to distract him from their plans. He can never bring himself to try Amaterasu’s cooking despite the good things he’s heard.

Commander Izanagi: (Pronounced Is-a-Nag-I)

Head of the human forces. Creator of team Fade, he’s working to try bring the ferals and humans into a time of peace. His regal stance and understanding nature hide well the weight of his responsibilities, both to the peace keeping operations, and the security of his city.

Alterkin Command

Commander Izanami: (Pronounced Is-A-Nami)

Head of the Alterkin Forces.She and Commander Izanagi have a long history, where at one point the two were good friends, Possibly lovers. However the divisions between their two cultures and their positions in the military forced them apart. Unlike Izanagi, she is skeptical of Human-Alterkin peace, but due to her history with him, is willing to at least contribute troops to the teams, Notably Ebony and Ash.