

Hello if your here you must be wondering what this blog is about, so I’ll get right to it.

Fade is a story I started thinking up in my third year of a game development course as a means of relaxing during a subject I didn’t really enjoy, it started as little more than a fan fiction of Monty Oum’s Rwby, but over time, it gradually evolved into it’s own separate world, complete with past and Lore, with a colourful cast of characters which you can find here. I’m currently trying to teach myself animation and 3D animation and Modelling in an effort to bring this story to life.

I started this blog in order to measure my progress, and maybe connect with some like minded people.

I post an update every Sunday or Monday.


Fade is a the Story of Four young agents of a peacekeeping Organization called The Human Otherkin Joint Operation, or Hojo at they try to unravel the plans of a terrorist organisation known as the Blindfold code, while dealing with the possibility of a mole inside their own ranks.

The Story follows a girl, Fairy Blue, as she tries to find her place in a world held by the tension of an uneasy peace between the technology based Humans, and the Mystical animal like Otherkin.
It’s a tale of perceptions, overcoming Naivety, and connecting with others. In an attempt to ease relations between the two races, the Human Otherkin joint operation, or Hojo was formed, Fairy Blue is Teamed up with her childhood Friend the Easygoing Damson, The Standoffish Ebony and the refined Otherkin Ash. The Four must find a way to work together if they are to Prevent war and the Machinations of the Blindfold code’s Mysterious hidden leader.

About the Creator

My name Is Marc Conroy, I’ve spent far too long studying and trying to find my calling in life, I currently have a Advanced Diploma in Interactive Multimedia, a Bachelors degree in Game development, and I’m about to start working on an Animation Degree. My biggest hobby in life is Stories, hearing them and telling them, and I hope to find some way to earn a living from that. My Aim is to eventually start my own production company for both Animaions and Games.

Any questions?

I’ve also made up a Frequently Asked Questions