January 22nd Update

Ok, getting close to the end of the weapon concepts, this week its Naga’s Weapon:


This was a seriously fun weapon to design, First off I knew I wanted to give Naga some variant of the Seven Branched Sword:


After that I started searching for other swords I could combine it with to make it a bit more original, one of the first I looked up was Green Destiny from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which inspired the leftmost Sword in my concepts:


I also over the course of researching came across the Sword of Goujian, which the more I find out about the more like an actual Anime the story behind it gets.


Combining the two I came up with the Right most Sword in my concept image, which I think will be the one I go with.

Ok, now onto the bad news, I unfortunately won’t be able to post a blog post next week, due to me taking part in the Global Game Jam as an Animator, it’ll be the first week I’ve missed since starting this blog, but if I can I’ll try to update later in the week, fingers crossed.

Anyway, here is this week’s progress:

  • Character Concepts
    • Background extras:42/42
    • Main Characters: 13/13
    • Main character re-designs: 5/5
    • Secondary Character: 14/14
    • Secondary Character re-designs: 5/5
  • Weapon Concepts
    • Main Characters: 10/12
    • Secondary Characters: 0/7
  • Scene Concepts
    • Interiors: 0/24
    • Exteriors: 0/20

That’s all for this week,
Until next time

Marc Out~~

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Marc is a animation student and writer currently working in Ireland.

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