August 14th

Another character concept, This this is eccentric business owner Indigo Copia:Indigo
I’m not as happy with my anatomy in this one, but I love the suit design, it looks elegant and flamboyant at the same time in my opinion. He’s also supposed to be part rat, fitting with his sneaky business type role in the story, but by pointing his ears it made it look a bit more ambiguous, which has actually made him appeal to me more.

Anyway, I’m going to keep it short this week, but here is this week’s status on concepts:

  • Background extras:42/42
  • Main Characters: 13/13
  • Main character re-designs: 1/5
  • Secondary Character: 9/12
  • Secondary Character re-designs: 0/4

That’s all for this week
Until next time

Marc Out~~


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Marc is a animation student and writer currently working in Ireland.

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