June 12th Update

Another blindfold Code follower this week, one more to go:

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I’m happy with how these ones came out, like last week their based off of the Main blindfold code members. Making the unique logos were really fun, I went off the idea of someone trying to make their own t-shirts and just doodled some ideas directly onto the shirts.

With this concept I only have 7 out of 42 templates left to do, and its looking like I’ll have them done before the summer ends, although I’m left with a dilemma, I want to move onto concepting environments next, but drawing wise its really time consuming in comparison with drawing characters, and the guy I had hoped to help with the drawing out won’t be free to work on it for the foreseeable future. I’m not sure how to get around this because I want a certain level of quality, but I know literally nobody that specialises in environment art. But it’s early days still, I haven’t reached that stage yet and I may still find someone yet, or I’ll find a faster way of doing it myself.
For now, I’m just righting down notes on each location in the show, both for my own reference and for giving anyone who comes on board direction, which I think will prove really helpful later.

That all for this week,
Till next time

Marc Out~~

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Marc is a animation student and writer currently working in Ireland.

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