June 5th Update

We’re finally at one of the designs I’ve been excited to work on since I started the background character, The goons, the lackeys, The blindfold Code’s followers:

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There’s a few different influences in these designs, mainily because there based off the similarities of the main blindfold code members: Hebi Sapa  Pamu   Kigyo  Yilan  Naga and Anguis and thought about how people would dress if the were copying them. I like the Raver teen look I ended up with.

In other news the first year anniversary of this blog and the two year anniversary of my work on fade is coming up, and I’d like to do something special, but I’m unsure what to do, I was hoping that I’d have time to make a fun picture or something along those lines, but this week hasn’t given me a lot of time. I have until the Tuesday, so we’ll wait and see, more than likely I’ll do some kind of year in review.

Another thing I think I might start doing is changing how I’m titling my Blogs, rather than just giving a date, I might start listing out the progress of my current milestone, so anyone just jumping in can see what state the project is in rather than list through all the previous posts to get an idea.

Anyway that’s all for this week, until next time!

Marc Out~~

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Marc is a animation student and writer currently working in Ireland.

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