March 6th Update

Onto the human military this week, I started with a simple officer:

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The Uniform design is taken from my design of Commander Izanagi I talked about A few Months Back but I removed a few of the details to show the lower rank, the colours I took from different colours of camouflage, with the exception of the white colour scheme which I once again took from Izanagi. I was hoping to have a second template with a more combat based design for this week, but I left myself just that tiny bit short on time. I’m going to see if I can start pushing myself to get two of these concepts done a week , the sooner I’m done with these the sooner I can get back to the main cast again, and the sooner I can get to conception the different parts of the city.

One of the things that I’ve been considering is the voice actors, and primarily how to keep them invested in the project, I am worried that intrest in the project will dissapear the longer it takes me to put all the peices together, I don’t have any kind of real web presence, so I have no real reputation, plus I won’t be able to afford to pay much, at least for this season.  I’m hoping this blog will help, and being transparent about what is currently being worked on, but it’s still a large concern of mine. Hopefully if I can produce even one episode it’ll show I can achieve what I’m setting out to do, but I’ll keep pondering it for now.

That’s all for this week, till next week

Marc Out~~

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Marc is a animation student and writer currently working in Ireland.

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