October 23rd Update

Bit of a different update this week, my first batch of extras:

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I’m pretty happy with how different a simple palette swap make them, The Otherkin in the story are similar to the faunus in Rwby, in that the have at least one animal trait, but unlike Rwby, I’m planning on having the animal trait be varying in how predominant it will be from person to person, these three look pretty human, I’m going to try have the next batch look a little less human. But I’m happy with the speed I got these done, I should be able to mill though these in less time than i thought.

In 3D news, I’ve figured out how to make the graffiti! I won’t bore you with the technical details, but basically the Problem was That I was mixing shaders, rather then the image colours, here’s the finished result:

It doesn’t look like much, but this opens up a world of options for me to help set scenes, Dirt, signs, moss, even blood smears, I don’t have to make custom textures every time I want to have an interesting wall, so I’m pretty pleased with this development.

That’s all for this week, till then.

Marc Out ~~

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Marc is a animation student and writer currently working in Ireland.

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